
Thank you for visiting Tech Hungry Reviews. My name is Luna and I am here to share my reviews with the public on technology I can posses or already have in possession. The reviews I write are as detailed but short as I possibly can make it as I know there are people out there that really want a quick review of a certain item before purchasing it and not a very long thing that basically doesn’t answer your question. If you have any questions what so ever or the review I wrote does not have a specific answer you’re looking for, please feel free to comment on any post or send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks again for coming,


3 comments on “About

  1. Hi Friend! I have to say RIGHT NERRR that I love your blog. I never pictured you writing a tech review blog though but I guess that makes sense since you’ve always known way freaking more than I ever have on technology. Im going to be reading your reviews throughout the night and commenting IF THEIR GOOD 😉 BYEEE

  2. Hi Best Friend, lol yeah I decided screw it, I can’t right a freaking summary of something I read but I can right a damn review lol. Yeah I played WoW but don’t have money to pay the monthly subscription. If I did I would still be playing it.

    You want me to review WoW for you or just in general?

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